Monday, 14 February 2011

Resurrection of Jesus

Roman soldiers guarded the grave where Jesus established 'body.  
In addition, the entrance of the tomb was sealed by a huge rock. The Roman guard, which is usually composed of 16 members, it would have been impossible for the disciples - the way in fear of their lives squatting - to steal the body. If, as some have claimed, Jesus was not dead, but only weakened, the guards and the stone would have stopped his escape. After beaten and whipped, hung on a cross for six hours notice of the spear of his executioners to his death averted, and wound, as was the custom in the 100pounds of linen and spices, Jesus was not in a position, a two-ton Stone upstream role out wit 16 Roman soldiers and then appear bright in his disciples.

   Jewish leaders of the day could easily refuted all the allegations of the resurrectionby simply a body, but they were not able to do this because there is no body.